Garretts Lair
Comedy • Gaming • Movies
A place to chill and be chilled
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June 14, 2024

Today is the anniversary of my last full year in uniform (I've finaled out of my unit, but I'm still on leave until the end of July). Today is also the Army's 249th Birthday. I made a video to commemorate the occasion. I hope don't mind if I share it here.

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Live chatted 11/16/2022
Welcome to my LAIR

Thanks for checking out the community here!
I'm officially announcing my locals so a few more might be seeing this. I hope you stick around and chill with me.


As a Member
Here's where I'll be dropping all my updates with my channel, New merch drops and up coming video projects

If you're a real Chad and are kind enough to drop scratch to help me create I will be doing 2 (THAT'S TWO) Exclusive Live-Streams a week. Doing full playthroughs of games and chilling with you.
Along with that I will be dropping long term video project updates just to yall. Looking for your feedback and suggestions

The online creator career is kinda crazy and uncertain. I've been lucky enough to work with some great people and I've seen a lot of livelihoods taken away over a algorithm mistake. So I wanted to make this place so I can communicate with you guys if I lose access to other means. And for those of you that appreciate my content and would like to support me. I look forward ...

Live Chat

Jump in here and chill with the fellow Chads

June 01, 2024

Well, boys, that's all she wrote. 23 years. Experiencing a lot of mixed emotions right now.

post photo preview

Hey Garrett, I know y'all were joking about the body in a fridge tonight, but that actually happened in my town. Old man killed his wife because she had been abusive to him and his kids for years and he finally snapped. He then stuffed her in a freezer, rented a storage unit put the freezer in the unit put some food around her body and kept her there for 6 years. Only reason the police found out was because he stopped paying for the storage unit. When their kid was interviewed he said she was an asshole and he didn't care.

The old man was sentenced to 25 years.

Yes, this is in the Ozarks and I hope that answers the question on if the area is like the show.

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